Jan. 26, 2021

Lawrenceville My Prohibit Smoking In It's Parks

Lawrenceville My Prohibit Smoking In It's Parks

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Lawrenceville is one of the latest Gwinnett cities to consider banning smoking products from its public parks and recreational facilities.

At a work session of the Lawrenceville City Council earlier this month, Deputy...

www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com Lawrenceville is one of the latest Gwinnett cities to consider banning smoking products from its public parks and recreational facilities.

At a work session of the Lawrenceville City Council earlier this month, Deputy City Manager Steve North recommended an update to the city’s park and recreation ordinance to reflect the county’s tobacco-free policy implemented in October 2020. This amendment would allow both county and city police officers to enforce the county’s policy, North said.

The use of cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and vapes are prohibited in parks and recreational facilities under the county’s tobacco-free policy. The policy makes an exception for smoking cessation aids, but all other methods of nicotine delivery could result in a warning or citation.

SOURCE: www.AJC.com